VA Course

If you are independent, want to be your own boss, or desire a career that gives you flexibility with your working hours or allows you to work from home, this virtual assistant online training will equip you for success. With flexible, self-paced courses, you’ll learn what it takes to become a virtual assistant on your schedule from a remote location.


Why Choose My Virtual Assistant Course?

  • My training prepares you to work independently, set up your business, and help you create your schedule.
  • My VA course covers topics designed to help you market your skills online and meet the huge gap between employers and their need to access professional support.
  • My VA course is practical lessons that include the latest techniques to utilize in business processes. Lessons include hands-on models and guides to equip you for the market.  

What you will learn:

  • How to effectively develop strategies for creating and managing a thriving virtual assistant career.
  • How to create and leverage the technological tools, skills, and methodology necessary to build an online business.
  • How to utilize social media for business and professional purposes, including setting and managing accounts, analytics, and market research.
  • How to creatively and effectively develop content for websites, social media channels, or blogs that includes write-ups, social media posts, video clips, and so on.

Our comprehensive virtual assistant training gears to equip you for the online job market, to start your business, and build a thriving virtual assistant career. And the beauty is that you don’t require specific academic qualifications. Whether a graduate, diploma, certificate, or high school graduate, there’s an opportunity for you to thrive in the vast online business market.

If you treasure your independence, begin a full-time or part-time business by working remotely or from the comfort of your home. Our courses are short, readily accessible, and affordable. Join us today and begin a whole new experience.

The Best #1 Virtual Assistant Course

Virtual Assistant training

Equipping Students With Right Skills

The time to consider becoming a virtual assistant more than ever is today. 

The world has really changed and almost all businesses have a web presence. This major migration mostly accelerated by Covid has permanently changed the way things work globally. 

Virtual assistant are now in demand to help run and manage businesses virtually. Therefore, if you are still doing 9 to 5 system and dream of a promising future, Virtual Assistant can help you realize that dream fast. 


Virtual Assistant Powerhouse 


Why Take This Virtual Assistant Course?

Taking a virtual assistant course is a great way to learn the skills you need to get ahead in your career.

While it’s true that there are plenty of online resources, like YouTube tutorials that will teach you how to be a virtual assistant, if you want to learn the most important aspects of the job—like how to use technology and what clients look for in an assistant—you’re going to need hands-on experience.

It’s no brag! But this va course feeds you with exact information you require. 

This #course shares with you all the VA aspects you’ll never find anywhere else.

The course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to create a successful relationship with your clients and understand processes of managing their business.

You are joining my course to learn my 10 years experience in the industry. So, this is not just a trial and error process, but a transfer of skills from a professional as the market demands. 

The online world is getting competitive and business owners know to stand out they require service providers who are above average. 

It’s a simple truth: if you want to make it in this industry, you need to be able to do stuff that most people are not knowledgeable about.

You have to be able to answer questions and figure things out quickly. The more skills you have that are unique and valuable, the better chance you’ll have at getting hired.

Virtual Assistant

These are Some of The Questions Most Newbie VA Ask

The majority of you planning to start this VA journey probably are asking these questions:

  – Does virtual assistant pay enough?

  – Can a VA work full time and secure enough income to pay bills?

  – Do you guarantee I will get a job after taking your course?

  –  I don’t have an IT background, can I still become a virtual assistant?

  – Will clients hire me with zero experience?

  – I have done other va courses and I was not successful. Will this be another       failure? 

This course takes you from zero to hero va! But wait… If you are there and wondering how the course will benefit you.

Here are 3 things that attracted and made it easy for over 1200 students to succeed as Virtual assistants.

Onboarding Process

Many trainers will give you the VA skills; some are halfway baked, leaving you in the desert high and dry.

That’s not the case in my case because I care about the person who you become after the training.

So, you’ll learn the ins & outs of the course, including where and how to get clients practically. I am transferring my 10 years of experience to you within 3 to 4 weeks.

24/7 Support

Who doesn’t need to see an immediate response when stuck? Or when enquiring about a pressing issue?

Many respected brands fail terribly at support, but I have made it easy for you throughout the clock, regardless of your location.

I guarantee full attention, including the simple question you consider “silly” to ask.

VA Laptop Lifestyle

I Will Hold Your Hand

 I will take you step by step to the end until you become a professional. 

You are the one to decide how far do you require the assistance. Even after 3 years you still feel like coming back for more “VA info” I will gladly offer you for FREE. 

This is not just a Virtual Assistant School but a transformational center for VA’s.

No limitation at all! We value you before and after the va course.

How Do Students Feel About The Course?

student review of va course
VA Course response
VA office

Freedom From 9 to 5 System

This course gives you freedom to work with ZERO limitation. Becoming a Virtual Assistant does not only allow you to work from wherever you want and whenever you want. It's also about the freedom it gives you to do what you love and be productive while doing it. You don't have to worry about being interrupted or pulled away from your work by someone else, which means you can focus entirely on getting your job done.

Who Can Take This VA Course?

Newbyze VA course targets all VA beginners starting from scratch. Also, those virtual assistants that plan to refresh or add more skills. But if you’re still stuck, you can identify yourself below:

  • Any age bracket (18 yrs and above)
  • People working 9 to 5
  • Stay at home Moms & Dads
  • Students

The VA course is very flexible and you can interact with it anytime you’re free. Therefore, get inside and see it for yourself and I promise nothing else you’ll find except VALUE


Students Feedback

I came on board with zero expectation because 2 trainers who had taken me through their course earlier got me no results. 

But for this one I have so far booked 2 clients and not yet done with the course. You really are a blessing to my life after years of struggle and hopelessness! 

Keep doing what you are doing! 

Mary Stacy

successful VA student

Thank you Duncan for your VA course! I got a job with a digital marketing agency immediately after finalizing Social Media Management phase! Can’t thank you enough. 

Your guidance on Hubspot certification was timely for me. I’m thankful.


VA taking virtual assistant course

I had given up on Virtual Assistant journey completely. But after joining your VA group and taking your course later, this turned everything around. 

Through your course I have been able to book 3 clients and in talks with others. Today I am looking at my achievements and that gives me even more hope for the future. Thank you so much Duncan! 


Take This Virtual Assistant Course If You Love #Freedom

If you desire to stay near your family, have a flexible working condition at the comfort of your home, when you want and where you want it? Virtual Assistant career will give you exactly that…

It is the modern career you can never regret the returns and benefits you get managing your own life. 

Hey Duncan, What About Course Bonuses?

Of course, in this course you get lots of #Extras.

 Her are some of the bonuses you get after completing the course. 

  • Lifetime assistance in case you get stuck out there. I treat every VA  as a family and your success uplifts Newbie Block to higher heights.
  • Life access to the course.
  • Virtual Assistant School Certification.
  • Access to private group 

More From The Students

Student #1

Student #2

Virtual Assistant Feedback
Response of Virtual Assistant

How Much Is The Course?

Course Pricing

The whole course is $57 


$57 only

… but here is the price for Kenyans below. The price is not biased, and it’s almost the same, just a matter of transfer that puts the difference. 

Do you feel the course is worth the price? Many VA’s tell me the course is #underpriced. I am not sure whether you’ll have the same opinion by the time you are done. But one thing I guarantee you is you’ll never regret the experience!

If you are asking whether the price is worth it, let’s see:

  • The course is $57 and I wonder which good restaurant can you take your friends for a dinner and spend anything less than $57? 
  • When you are invited to meet rare investors especially people of high caliber, I don’t think you’ll go for your normal suit you wear on every occassion. Instead, you’d go for something of more worth than the $57 just to impress. 
  • How many clients do you need to get your course fee back? If we go for the least hourly rate of $5 (hourly) then you need to work for 4 days, 3 hrs/day. 
  • You’ll remain with the skills for the rest of your life and make a lot of $57 multiplied with thousands of hours worked for clients. 

Do you still want more proof on how to make back your returns? Just try and see it for yourself. 

If other VA’s are happy, then you are next. 

Kenya students pay 


4,000 Ksh Only 

VA Price for kenyan market

VA Course Curriculum

1. Social Media Management

2. Social Media Marketing 

3. Email Management

4. Calendar Management 

5. Video Editing Basics

6. Customer Support

7. Podcast 

8. Email Marketing

9. Social Media Post Creation ( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin & Tiktok)

10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

11. Data entry 

12. VA Resume Creation

13. Portfolio Creation

14. Project Management Tools (Clickup, Trello, Asana, Slack & Basecamp)

15. Inbound Marketing & Digital Marketing Certifications

16. VA Pricing, Packages, and Contracts

17. Upwork & Fiverr Processes

18. Proposals 

19. Onboarding processes

20. VA Certification

So, are you ready to take your VA career to the next level?

Views: 1458