Start a Blog

How to Create a Blog Within One Hour: Complete Guide 

 If you’ve been wondering about the process of how to start a blog from scratch, then here it is. 
This step by step guide helps to walk you from one stage to another showing you easy way to create your dream blog. Now is the time to bring your creativity on the web for others to learn from you. The blogs you read online were started by people like you, who were timid to try, but dared the move anyway. 

This is my 6th year creating blogs and websites. And I can tell you it’s an awesome journey doing what I love and earning from it. 

When you follow the whole process as we’ve detailed, you’ll find the setup easy. Even if you joined the online world yesterday, these steps are for anyone willing to start their blog without any technicalities required. 

Creating a blog can seem like an uphill task, but believe me within an hour, you’ll feel like an experienced blogger. What prevented you from building your dream blog for years, today you’ll learn in minutes. 

When I was starting, I made tonnes of mistakes, but what I share with you today is years of experience and mistakes that you can avoid. You can proceed here to learn what is a blog and come back for blog setup process.

How to Start a WordPress Blog

There are four things that require you to setup a blog and are considered as a backbone responsible for blog functionality. 

1. Domain name – This is the address of your website on the internet 

2. Hosting Account – This is where your website is hosted on the internet

3. Blogging Platform (WordPress.com, WordPress.org, Blogger)

4. Selecting a niche 

But before we roll into the meaty blogging steps, let’s see who should blog

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Why you Should Start Blogging Today

I’ve shared over and over the importance of joining the online world. The advantage of starting an online journey, is the ability to tap the diverse communities from all over the world. It doesn’t matter you are running a business, services, or sharing your stuff with the world, the secret is to start and learn how along the way. 

One of the most effective way to connect with the world online is through blogging. Starting a blog changed my life and to date is the best thing ever that happened to my life. 

You are lucky to be reading this because several years back information was not widely shared as you see now. It was trial and error. But persistence helped me to learn, implement, and even though I failed so many times, patience paid at last. 

So, should you start a blog? 

I started my blog with no cost through (wordpress.com) and it is possible today. You can start and write about anything or somethng you’re passionate about. Thousands of people are joining the blogging community and you too can start. But, let’s see some of the benefits that blogging can expose you to.

Writing Experience

Blogging can enhance your writing skills because it’s a regular thing you’ll be doing. The idea that your content appears online and everyone can see it, allows you to learn more in order to produce the best. 

Your content can expose you to clients and deals you never even imagined.


When you broadcast your work online helps you do better than you started. It challenges you to work harder and self improve by learning through your past mistakes. Gradually, you’ll start building a bee of fans, and competitors blogging in the same niche push you to become a better version of you.

Gain Confidence

Look at the testimonies of popular bloggers on the web, and you’ll realize they started were all of them shy in the beginning. It is a stage every blogger will pass through. However, with everyday improvements the fear exits slowly as confidence gets stronger day by day. 

What you should know is some started worse than you and today they’re the inspiration of the web. 

I can continue to write about the benefits of starting a blog, unless 9 to 5 system is your eternal dream. 

Blog Setup

Step 1.

Before getting excited about starting your own blog, choose the right building platform to avoid mistakes beginners make. Lately, there are many platforms that have emerged and though they look flowerly, doesn’t mean they fit your blog.

Follow the steps described here as they’ll help you establish a blog you’ll be proud of later. There’re two places you can host your blog, WordPress.com or WordPress.org.

WordPress.org allows you to host your own blog and tailor it the way you see fit. On the other hand, WordPress.com is a blogging platform that you can publish anything you want, however, it’s limited. 

Here are the benefits:

So, why should you choose WordPress as your blogging platform? 

  • It is Intuitive even for a first-timer
  • It is easy to rank a WordPress site
  • WordPress is a content management system software designed with features that make blogging easy.
  • It is SEO friendly and easy to rank
  • It is flexible and easy to adapt for any new development
  • It has numerous themes both free and premium that you can use depending on your blog needs
  • It is responsive on smartphones
  • Lots of plugins to help in site customization
  • Easy for non-techie users
  • Easy and quick installation
Additional to the list above, top successful blogs globally run on WordPress. In fact, 35% of all websites world-wide use WordPress platform. Now you can see the platform you plan to join is not popular for nothing.




The first thing to start your blog is purchasing a domain name and the hosting. Normally, you buy domain name for a period of one year, but you have an option to prepay 2, 3, or even 10 years. 

When you buy domain name more than 1 year upfront you are guarantee of securing the address for specified number of years. Sometimes, you may get discounts that saves you lots of money that would have been lost on yearly basis pricing. 

The domain prices range between $8 to $14.99 per year though it is determined by your choice of domain registrar you choose.

Your domain name is the address that visitors locate you online regardless the niche you choose. Once you secure your domain address, visitors can locate you via search engine, therefore, look for a unique name. Look for a name that is easy to remember, type, short, and avoid using slang or competitive ones.

Go for “.com” domain as they are familiar and easy to access. Of course, you can go for country names like .ca, and organization such as .”net” or “.org”. And if you find it hard to settle on a good name, use domain search tools for accurate and speedy results. 

Here is sample tools you can use for your domain search. For instance, Instant Domain Search and others.


You can alternatively use Bluehost domain search until you get your unique name.

#Step 3


After you have chosen the right domain name and secured it, the next step is to look for a reliable web-hosting company. The reason why you should not rush about your hosting is because about 70% of your website performance and functionality will heavily depend on the hosting choice you make.

Your host makes sure your content and files are safely stored online and allows the users to access the blog whenever they need it (24/7). Website is like a physical business where customers come to purchase their preferred goods or services and the handling matters whether they will return or not. 

The same case applies to your web host choice especially host support response when needed. If the host fails to meet your blog requests and demand, you have no business, which means customers will run away. 

As a beginner, bluehost would be ideal choice to host your blog. In fact, its the only web host recommended by the WordPress to offer you quality services at a discounted prices and a free domain name. Here are the discounts you get depending on the type of hosting you choose. 

Shared hosting – gives you discounted price of $2.95 (1 month) a subscription of 36 months saving you 67% per month. 

Shared WordPress hosting – gives you $2.95 (1 month) discount, 36 months subscription, which saves you 67% per month.

When you follow our bluehost link we are going to earn a small commission, and on the other hand, it’ll benefit you by getting 67 percent discount for 36 months if you opt to pay for 3 years at once and free domain name. 



Why Choose Bluehost?

It is a platform I use and you cannot compare with other Host providers. The fact that I gain something when you join Bluehost is not the reason I recommend it. You gain more by getting a 50+ discount when you purchase the hosting with them and all members of Newbie Block family. 

But here are the reason I love and recommend Bluehost to you.

 They have superb support ready to listen and help you out whenever in need.

 You’ll enjoy good speed and flexibility, which matter the most for your blog success

 Like I said earlier, it’s the only platform that is recommended by WordPress

 Reliable platform that you’ll never experience outage issues

 Security is top-notch and that is a very important aspect to consider now that cyber crimes have almost doubled when compared with yester-years. 

 They have full suite of tools that you require to enhance your business from one level to another

 The Dashboard is easy to use even for a non-techie person

 You get a 30-day-money back guarantee, so, in case you change your mind no risk at all.

How to Select Your Hosting Plan Step by Step

Since domain is included in your hosting plan if you choose Bluehost, proceed to pick your preferred plan. If it’s your first time to start a blog, go for basic. And you can change or upgrade to a higher plan when your blogging needs expands. 


Choose your Domain Name

Click select from the hosting plan above and it will take you to domain area. You need to be careful what you choose because again this is your address. When you put your domain name, Bluehost will tell you whether it’s available or not.


In case the name is unavailable you’ll see related names appear on top as an alternative suggestion. Let’s say the name you had in mind is “blender.com” and Bluehost tells you it’s not available. These are examples of suggestions you get…

You can’t find the name that fits your domain address? Don’t worry, you can proceed with the sign up and come back later when your mind is decided. Just below the domain area, click to “I’ll create my domain later”

Alternatively, you can follow the “Pop up” that appears and directs you the same direction. You skip the step and come back to the domain area when fully armed with the right name. 

But if you already own a domain, don’t skip, instead fill your domain name in the next area “Use a domain you own” and continue with the registration process. 

When you click choose domain later, you will be taken to hosting sign up page and in time of this writing Bluehost has a special offer. You can sign up and probably 3 things may happen for you.

1. Get the normal pricing of $2.75 per month

2. The one indicated below $2.65 (Special Offer of 70% off) OR

3. Get a more sweeter deal than this (Bluehost is full of surprises, positive one though)

Create Your Hosting Account 

Now, when you start this process, Bluehost makes it easier for you by allowing you to use Google single sign on to simplify the process. Otherwise, follow the manual process to put your details if that’s what you prefer. 

Make sure to fill the right details and after you are through countercheck of any typo. When you check the details are okay, proceed to the next step. 

The next step you’ll see is package information of your 

– Account plan 

– Hosting price

– SSL Certificate

These are the details of the account that you choose. For account plan click the dropdown menu to select the plan that you are comfortable with.

You can skip the next step for “Extra Packages” which is not required if you are starting. But you can add them if they specifically matter to your blogging needs though not necessary.

Payment Information

Bluehost is very straightforward when you reach payment stage. You can either use a credit card or PayPal. Fill your details, expiry date, and finally check the Bluehost agreement for TOS (terms of service) then click submit button.

When you finalize the process Bluehost will send you an email after the payment goes through.  Also, you’ll receive an email for your email verification and activation of your domain.

The next step is to setup your Bluehost account. Actually, you are very close to launching your dream blog.

When you receive login details via email for your web hosting C-panel, now that means you have entered in the control room of your website.

When you login to the C-panel install the WordPress to start giving your blog the needed shape.


WordPress Installation

After you use successfully login to the C-panel, install wordpress and the building of your blog begins from there. If you are unsure about the WordPress installation process, Bluehost can assist you especially when you use this link, they’ll automatically install wordpress for you. 

For non-techie people, this process is easier for you to focus on building your blog without worrying about setup processes. 

Login to Bluehost

Here is what you do after Login to your Bluehost

 – Click the My Sites tab

 – Then in the right side click the Create Site button

Fill your Blog info

I know you are excited to start your blog now that everything is making sense. But don’t overthink here about what to put. Just think of your site name and a tagline that resonates with your blog focus.

Choose Your Domain

Select the domain name that you created earlier when you were creating Bluehost account.

Click Next to Install WordPress on Bluehost

Immediately after that Bluehost will Install WordPress and you’ll see WordPress Installed Successfully displaying login area to input your Username & Password.

Choose Your Blog Theme

Theme gives your website a look or what people see on the front part. You may choose depending on your niche or target audience. 

There are many themes available both free and paid ones and you need to take time without hurry. You can pick and preview how it looks on the front end or choose any and decide later the right theme with clear mind. 

Why you should be careful when choosing a WordPress theme?

WordPress is the most popular website builder, and they have numerous themes that caters for various market. 

Your choice WordPress theme should go hand-in-hand with the content on your website. For instance, if your website talks about food and recipes, then a food or recipe WordPress theme would be the ideal choice to cater for your audience. 

Majority of WordPress themes are designed with customization options. The option helps you customize the theme to appear the way you like it or for easier usability of your audience. If you want to start a blog this is an aspect that can help you create an outstanding online business or website. 

Another aspect you need to check is the speed of your theme. You can check on WP Speedster to see whether it has the right speed for your business. Speed is everything in the online business and some good looking theme can turn out to be very slow.

Remember google frowns on any slow website, which can negatively impact your online business. So, the faster a theme is the higher the likelihood Google will rank you. 

Therefore, you should tread carefully when choosing a theme because it can make or break your business. And you can avoid WordPress theme issues by taking these steps.

Keep your theme simple

Many people starting a blog like to complicate simple and straightforward things. WordPress themes comes with all sots of designs, flashy animations, colors, complex layouts and more. 

Having all those stuff make your site standout, but again it adds no value. 

Simplicity is the purest form of anything.

A good theme should never interfere with user experience (UX) or simplicity. 

When the presentation and style of your theme is complicated, it interrupts the user when searching for information and denies you the intended achievement. 

Why should you have a good theme that doesn’t give you business or subscribers? How can it be a good theme if users struggle to maneuver their way around your website? A good theme is the one that makes you achieve your goal easily as well as that of your visitors. 


Mobile Friendly

Gone are the days when you had to resize your browser screen for a theme to appear responsive. Today, a good theme can be tested by its mobile friendliness. Such that it is responsive on all devices, mostly mobile which many people use to browse. The theme should effortlessly adjust to the size of the mobile screen.

You can test your theme to see whether its mobile friendly by copy pasting your URL. Note that most of the time you’ll see a warning even when your theme is mobile friendly, do not take it seriously. 

So, any theme that is not responsive to mobile devices do not consider it however good it looks. If a theme delivers its  purpose that is what matters not the beauty, design and the style. 

SEO Friendliness

SEO is a factor you cannot ignore when choosing your WordPress theme. It plays a crucial role for your business ranking on SERP which in turn bring you traffic and many clicks. 

You may have a good theme and still have a poorly coded html. Of course, this will lead to poor performance, but taking time to test your theme for SEO is vital. 

While your theme is important when the appearance is pleasing, but there are aspects you cannot see with the naked eyes and highly determines SEO friendliness. 

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